Updating the SAP Cloud Connector SSL Certificate


Author / Last Updated: Richard Rodriguez / July 7, 2022


Background: The SAP Cloud Connector application provided by SAP contains an SAP-supplied unsigned SSL certificate that must be refreshed once per year. In order to avoid this requirement, customers can opt to install one of their own signed SSL certificates.

Document Notes:

  • Highlighted Items are variables that are customer specific
  • Listed variables are for Answerthink’s Demo System


  1. Log into the Cloud Connector - https://CS-SAPSAC:8443
    1. ID: Administrator
    2. PW: f[dF{zL[EE^s
  2. The below image indicates the SAP Analytics Cloud subaccount is connected to SAP Cloud Platform via the green connected icon under Status. If the icon is red, this indicates that the connection is broken and may be attributed to an expired SSL certificate.
    1. Note that you may see more than one subaccount listed as the Cloud Connector may be in use by other applications besides SAC. Use the Display Name field and/or Subaccount field to determine correct account.

  1. Navigate to the SAC subaccount page and click on the “Refresh Certificate” button as shown.
    1. The Initiated By field indicates the login/password associated to the subaccount. If you want to change the Initiated By account, follow the steps within the Appendix section of this document.

  1. You are prompted for the credentials for the associated user
    1. Enter the password and the certificate will refresh. Can be confirmed on overall status page (Bullet #2 above) via a Green Status icon.


  1. Upon successfully entering credentials, the certificate will be for 1 year from current date:



APPENDIX – Changing the SAP Cloud Platform Account in Use


Background: You want to change the login used by the connection between SAP Analytics Cloud and the SAP Cloud Platform


  1. Login to the SAP Analytics Cloud tenant (https://choicespine-1.us10.hcs.cloud.sap) as an Administrator or System Owner account
  2. Navigate to the Administration screen


  1. Navigate to the “Data Source Configuration” panel, scroll to the “SAP Cloud Platform (SAP CP) Account” section and click the Pencil icon to make edits:


  1. Copy the Account Information details, including Subaccount, Region Host, Subaccount User for comparison to the to-be-created new values.
  2. Enter the new email address you want to use for the SAP CP Account in the “Email” field and click “Change Cloud Platform User”
    1. Prerequisite: The account you wish to use must be registered as an SAP Cloud Platform Account. You can register/verify the account you wish to use by following the link shown in SAC:

  1. Upon successful change of email address, the Account Information section will update indicating the new subaccount user, and the Subaccount and Region Host should be the same as the values copied in Step 4.
    1. If the values are different, record these new values as they will need to be entered into the SAP Cloud Connector application.
  2. Click the Save icon