Creston AirMedia Devices – Changing Background Images

** note: username: ptcabling / password: cableguys20

Images are loading from the following URL:

Background Image

NOTE: Background image is applicable to the DM-NVX-D30(C) and DM-NVX-D80-IOAV.

An image can be uploaded to a DM-NVX-D30(C) or DM-NVX-D80-IOAV and then used as a background image for on-screen display whenever active video content is not being displayed.

NOTE: Supported image file types are .jpeg, .jpg, .and .png. The supported maximum resolution of an image is 3840x2160 pixels. Up to 20 image files can be uploaded for a total storage capacity of up to 100 MB.

To configure a background image, use the web interface or SIMPL Windows as discussed in the following sections.

Using the Web Interface

To upload and configure a background image for on-screen display:

  1. Click the Settings tab and then click Outputs.
  1. In the Outputs table, click the Edit button.
  1. Click On Screen Display.
  1. In the Image Display section:
    1. Set the Background Image toggle switch in the On (right) position to enable the functionality.
    2. In the Time to wait after no video is detected list box, select the number of seconds that must pass without active video content before the background image can be displayed. Values range from 5 to 65,535 seconds. The default setting is 5 seconds.
    1. In the Aspect Ratio Mode drop-down list, select the desired setting:
      • Maintain Aspect Ratio: (Default setting) Maintains the aspect ratio of the image.
      • Stretch: Stretches the image to fill the screen in both the horizontal and vertical directions. The aspect ratio of the image is not maintained.
      • 1:1: Sets a 1x1 pixel image.
    1. For Image Retrieval, click the desired radio button for the location from which the image is to be retrieved: From Local Device or From Remote Server.

    If From Local Device is selected, continue with step 5. If From Remote Server is selected, omit step 5 and proceed to step 6.

    1. If the image is to be retrieved from the local device, do either of the following:
      • In the Image File drop-down list, select the desired image from the list of available files. The selected image appears in the Preview window.
      • If no images appear in the Image Files drop-down list or if the desired image does not appear in the list, click Manage Images. The Manage Images dialog box opens.

    Upload an image file as follows:

        • Click Add. The File Upload dialog box opens.

        • Click Browse, navigate to the desired image file, select the image file, and then click Open.
        • In the File Upload dialog box, click Load. When the progress bar indicates that the upload process is complete, click OK.
      • The image is added to the list in the Manage Images dialog box, which indicates the following:

              • Index: Specifies a number that indicates the order in which the file was uploaded. If an image is deleted, the next image that is loaded is added to the row that was previously occupied by the image that was deleted.
              • File Name: Specifies the file name of the image
              • Status: Indicates that the status of the image is Ready or Failed
              • Preview: Provides a preview of the image. Clicking the image enlarges the view.

            • Click Close to close the Manage Images dialog box.
            • In the Image File drop-down list, select the desired image. The selected image appears in the Preview window.
            1. If the image is to be retrieved from a remote server:
              1. In the Remote Path text entry box, enter the URL (HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP) to access the image file from a remote server. The image is uploaded and appears in the Preview window.
              2. If you wish to have the image refreshed based on a specified number of minutes, select the Refresh checkbox, and then select the desired refresh rate in minutes in the Refresh Rate list box. The refresh rate ranges from 1 to 65,535 minutes. The default setting is 60 minutes.

              To disable the background image, set the Background Image toggle switch in the Off (left) position (default setting).

              Settings Tab, Outputs, On-Screen Display, Background Image

              A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

              Settings Tab, Outputs, Background Image Retrieval from Local Device, Adding an Image

              A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

              Settings Tab, Outputs, Background Image Retrieval from Local Device

              A computer screen shot of a deviceDescription automatically generated

              Settings Tab, Outputs, Background Image Retrieval from Remote Device

              A computer screen shot of a deviceDescription automatically generated

              Using SIMPL Windows

              Enable or disable background image functionality in Slot-06-05: Background Image. Trigger the <Enable> digital input join to enable background image functionality. To disable background image functionality, trigger the <Disable> digital input join. For additional information, refer to the SIMPL Windows help file.